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The hockeygameclock relies on Qt as frontend and therefore uses the PySide6 Python binding.

The GUI is developed and designed with help of the Qt Designer. You can open the Qt Designer with the following command:

# Open the Qt Designer
pdm run pyside6-designer

# Open the Qt Designer for a specific .ui file
pdm run pyside6-designer ui/clock_widget.ui

The Qt Designer works with .ui files to describe the developed GUI. However, to uses these information in combination with Python, we have to convert them to Python code. This can be done with the following commands:

# Convert user interface files to Python
pdm run pyside6-uic ui/clock_widget.ui -o hockeygameclock/frontend/generated/ --from-imports

# Convert resource file to Python
# pdm run pyside6-rcc ui/resources.qrc -o hockeygameclock/frontend/ui/


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