Getting Started#

You would like to develop and contribute to this project? Then this chapter is what you were looking for.

The recommended IDE is Visual Studio Code.

Install PDM#

This project uses PDM as Python package and dependency manager. In order to develop on this project, it is recommended to install PDM. For more information, check the PDM installation guide.

Install JAVA#

If you want to build the documentation, JAVA is needed in order to generate the Plantuml diagrams. For more information, check the Java download guide.

Install Development Tools#

To install the Python dependencies and all the development tools, execute the following command:

pdm install --dev

Execute Development Tools#

To execute the formatter, run the following commands:

pdm run isort hockeygameclock
pdm run isort tests
pdm run black hockeygameclock
pdm run black tests

To execute the linter, run the following commands:

pdm run pylint hockeygameclock
pdm run pylint tests
pdm run mypy hockeygameclock
pdm run mypy tests

To execute the tests, run the following commands:

pdm run pytest

To build the documentation, run the following commands:

cd docs
pdm run make html

Execute Hockey Game Clock (Development State)#

To execute the current development state of the hockeygameclock, run the following commands:

pdm pdm run python -m hockeygameclock